Thursday, September 29, 2011

Madeline's first soccer practice

Madeline has been looking forward to soccer for weeks. Her big day finally arrived and she was not disappointed. She is the only girl in the class but I don't think she even noticed. They each got to pick out a ball to play with for the day and out of 50 soccer balls she picked the one with pink on it. There were a couple of times one of the boys tried to take her ball and I was a little worried... not for her, for the unsuspecting boy who dared take the only pink ball away :)
 She learned lots of new things and couldn't wait to get home and practice.

Here she is with some of her class and Coach Matt.


Rae said...

Ummmmm, I find it VERY hard to believe that is the same baby you gave birth to, oh, I don't know, like a year, year and a half ago TOPS.
Seriously, wth? She's like twelve! I have never seen her look older in my life.
The pic with the little orange cones(?) cracked me up. And the last one? She looks like she's 16 just out socializing.
I can't handle it.

barbara said...

She does look so grown up. I'm surprised she's the only girl, but she seemed to hold her own just fine. Those boys will have to watch out for her. She'll be out-scoring them all the time. Go Madeline! said...

Oh My Gosh! She is soooo grown up and the in door soccer brought memories back of you Brad! You were such a great player! I'm so glad you are getting her into things at an early age! Can't wait to see you all!!!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Every time I see these pictures of Maddie I keep thinking SHE'S not old enough!! It goes too quickly, doesn't it? Elle cut her first tooth the other night and I was stunned. Where did the past 5 months go?

These sports will provide you lots of entertainment in years to come! ;)

Michelle said...

You will have to let me know how she continues to like soccer. We put Emmory into T-Ball and she liked it for like 1 minute. I don't think it moved fast enough for her. We were debating about soccer since it moves a little faster. Everyone is right. She does look so grown up. Tear.

Nadia said...

Trish - I cant belive Elle has her first little tooth. Where does the time go. I bet she looks so cute - I love it when babies get their first teeth.

Nadia said...

Michelle, Madeline loves soccer!! You should try it out for sure. Lots of room to run - great for getting out all those wiggles.