Tuesday, March 20, 2012

little fish

Madeline started swimming lessons today. She and her friend Ryan were the only two kids in the class - And that's the way we like it:)
Madeline loved learning to kick, kick, kick, float on her back and blow bubbles.
Spencer and Mommy were cheering her on from the sidelines. Spencer even tried on her goggles to get everyone in the swimming spirit.

Madeline and Ryan



Rae said...

Fun! Cute suit Mad. :)

DebiHope54@gmail.com said...

AWESOME! I LOVE her swimming suit! It is adorable on her!!!

barbara said...

Maddie, I love your swimsuit. It is so pretty. I'm so proud of you learning how to swim. You are really doing a great job. I love you so much.

Michelle said...

I know I say this a lot but Maddie looks like she is just a lover of life. I would love to meet her someday.