Saturday, January 8, 2011

Patience is a virtue

Madeline has come with me to almost every Dr. appointment I have had for the last  9  month's. We listen to the baby's heartbeat together and then while the Dr. and I have a boring conversation she sits patiently on "her" chair and draws smiley face's for daddy. I have to say she has been much more patience through out this process then I have.
I love you my sweet Madeline, I feel so lucky to have been chosen to be your Mommy. Thank you for being my little friend. I cant wait for you to meet your baby brother. I know you will be a wonderful, sweet and loving big sister.

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Michelle said...

I love her sunglasses on top of her head. You are so lucky to have maddie sitting so well for the appointment. Emmory would panic at what the dr was doing. Good luck! Im excited for you!!!

Rae said...

This is the sweetest. said...

How ADORABLE is that!!!!! Madeline is such a sweetheart. I too am very grateful to be her Grammie! She is such an angel. I wish you were all closer to us.......we need to skype! Miss and love you guys!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

Only a matter of days now!! Definitely keep us posted--yu havent even shown us your cute bump yet! Well maybe I saw the pic of you, Rach, and Elise here?

Brooke said...

She is so cute. I think that Emma would be patient and stay sitting for about 15 minutes, and then she would want to sit in my lap. It is hard talking a child to the doctor's if they don't really understand what is going on. Good luck with the new baby boy, and post tons of pictures!

Nadia said...

Thank you for all your sweet comments. We are so excited to meet this little boy. And for right now Madeline is excited too...
We will post pictures as soon as we can.