Friday, October 16, 2009

Would you Rather

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Would you rather be in a house you love, but in the process leave all your friends and conveniences behind? We have an accepted offer on this house. I love it, I hear it calling my name every time I see it. But if we were to move there we would have to leave our friends, a great ward, support system, as well as lots of little things like easy access to stores...
What do you think? Would you rather the house you love-(I love), or a house that is just a house with no power to " call your name". Yet, near the people and things that are important to you. I know it seems like we can just move and make new friends, but TRUST me that is NOT an option in the house we like. The words " In the middle of nowhere" barley scratch the surface...
Id love you hear what you think and of course I will update with our decision.


Rachel Gillie said...

Haven't you already left everything behind to move out to Boston and start a new life and it totally worked out? I think that no matter where your family goes, you are going to love it and anyone you meet will love you. If a house has the power to call your name and is that beautiful ... answer the call!

Katie and Christian said...

Wow- what a great house! Since I was a recent Bostonian:) I can kind of understand where you are coming from. I totally agree with Rachels point of view, that you can make anywhere your home, but Boston is already so spread out and a pain to get to stores and what not, that I can't imagine what the middle of nowhere would be like. You guys will make the best decision- your awesome! Good luck and can't wait to hear what you choose!

Trish @ Love, Laughter, Insanity said...

We are renting our house right now and as we look for a permanent house, we're struggling with this same thing--be close to family and friends and work or live out in the country a bit with a little bit of land and our dream house. I already have an hour commute, so for us to live with land it would be even a longer commute.

I don't know what the answer is, but I guess you just have to go with your heart. It is a beautiful house!!

Rae said...

I am in love with that deck. you know my thoughts on the house, but those are valid concerns.
Only one person can tell you the right answer. I know you guys will do the right thing. If it ends up being to buy the house, I'll be up to break in the guest room in no time. :)

Michelle said...

I love that house! It is so beautiful. For me personally, I would take the house. But I am a little more selfish like that!!! Only you know what will work for your family!

Steve and Rebecca said...

Wow!! How beautiful!! I LOVE it!! Can you turn it into a bed and breakfast for me and Steve to visit?? I must say that I do really like being on a street with kids to play with, but I truely believe that we are led in all we do, so follow your heart! said...

Wow! I love that house as well! I have always gone for the house because you keep your old friends and make new brownie song....make new friends, but keep the is silver and the other this house in Boston??? I would check out the ward and schools to make sure there are kids Maddie's age....that's worth a lot as well!

Monica and Stephen said...

That house looks amazing from the outside. It looks like my dream house. I love the porch. That is a hard question. It sounds like it feels right to you if it is calling your name. Good luck!

Jason said...

Being the analyst that I am, I find it helps to write the pros and cons about any house you are considering. Make two lists and include things like location, commute time, time to airport/public transportation, how much it will stretch the budget, room to grow, layout, neighbors, quality of schools, ward, yard, property taxes, HOA, yard work, maintenance required, long-term plan on where to live... Then put a score on each to weight each one. Add up and compare to other options. One thing we've been thinking about A LOT is how much we can afford if I were to lose my job and had to find another one. Even though I can afford this house now, does it tie me to my job? Anyway, good luck. We found our dream house and then got out bid. The fact that your offer is accepted should definately count for something.

Merivale said...

That is the most beautiful house I have ever seen. It would be really hard to pass up a house like that! I think calling your name is an understatement, that house is screaming "I AM THE MOST PERFECT HOUSE EVER!" You just have to think about day to day life. Looks like there is plenty of room to PLAY, you can always shop online.hahaha friends are harder to do with out...just have lots of kids and you wont be lonely!