Sunday, November 20, 2011

Why do you love to make a mess?

This squishy, adorable little boy, loves to make a mess. No matter where I set him down he crawls right into an optimal mess making situation and gets to work. It's a good thing he's so irresistibly sweet.


Rae said...

That kid definitely is insanely irresistable.
Can't wait to squeeeeeze him!

elise said...

The other day, I (in all seriousness) asked Jason how many hours of my life would be spent picking up messes. Breakfast/lunch/dinner/snacks, books, cotton balls (last week), q-tips, mail, laundry, tupperware lids from the kitchen, toys, etc., etc. It never ends.

Good thing for cute kids. Spencer's lucky he has that going for him. :)

Michelle said...

with that smile, he could get away with anything.