Friday, July 22, 2011

Pirate Party Prep

The night before Madeline's party we set up all the games and decorations. Including map making island, cannon ball  toss (water balloons), pirate signs, ships and balloons. As well as lots and lots of treasure.
Madeline told Brad he was Mr Smee ( from Peter Pan)  and she was Captain Hook :)



Mom did a great  job on the signs - the Piriates were very happy


Rae said...

I can't believe all the work you went too. My poor kids will have such lame parties. I have no creativity!

Nadia said...

Thats not true. You will do great!!
Madeline is getting very excited for your visit. She has made at least 5 pictures for you in the last hour. :)

Brooke said...

I thought that I was the only one that went crazy on birthdays. I have to say that you are insanely creative, and I am a bit jealous. It looks like a great success! I can't believe that she is 3. said...

What a great party! You should be a party planner! You really went all out! Fun memories and that's so great that your mom could be there as well!