So, I'm realizing now more then ever my life and this blog for that matter are increasingly boring. Clearly my day revolves around Maddie and her schedule. Therefore I live the life of a 7 month old. Although I love my role as mommy and wouldn't trade it for the world, I'm ready to admit I need help. What do moms do with their days...weekends...? Both with and without your kids. I need ideas!Help...
Hey Nadia! I remember feeling the same way with Jolee. It is difficult when it is just you and a baby and no one to have real grown up conversations with. I felt like the I didn't have any friends in my ward and I was the only one out of my girlfriends that had kids. It was lonely. I started doing girls nights once a month, just inviting girls from my ward and I tried to have lunch with a friend one day a week. Those are my suggestions. Hope that helps! :)
Nadia, I feel the SAME way! I don't have much advice, but I try to get out of the house atleast once in between his naps. Luckily it's warm here, so we go on a walk about every day, or we'll just go browse around Costco, Home Goods, or any store for that matter. Too bad we're not neighbors!!
Naida I can relate to you so much. When Houston gets home, I do nothing but chat his ear off because I don't talk to anyone other than Emmory. I have started a book club, and that has helped. Do you have anywhere where you can organize playdates with other kids and mommies? That will help with adult convo. Also, I have started to sew (while Em is napping). I like the play dates because it is during the day, so I can still spend time with Houston. Let me know what you find out too because I would love to get more ideas too.
I remember feeling that way too when Ryan was a baby. Having friends over or going for walks outside pushing Ryan in the stroller (when it gets warmer) helped me a lot. In a lot of ways, it's so much easier having two kids. My kids are the perfect age now for outings and play dates. Until then, definately try to get out of the house (maybe even go walk around the mall) or something...otherwise you'll get cabin fever!!
Hey, you don't know me but i am friends with Trish...Hope you don't mind me looking at your blog. Anyway, i totally know what you are feeling. I felt like that when my kids were younger(baby stage). I don't know if i am just used to it now OR if they just keep me more busy with stuff now?. :) Try doing a girls night(go to a movie, have them over to play games, or just to hang out and eat) like someone mentioned, or have friends over during the day and try doing a pot luck lunch. I like to workout during nap time. It will get better. But in the meantime i know how you feel! :)
thats why I had Chloe...I was bored with so much free time on my hands....trust me it fixed the problem!
Need some updated pictures of Maddie on your blog!
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